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Demographics/IPD_2018 (MapServer)

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Service Description: 2018 Tract-level Indicators of Potential Disadvantage for the DVRPC Region Title VI of the Civil Rights Act and the Executive Order on Environmental Justice (#12898) do not provide specific guidance to evaluate EJ issues within a region's transportation planning process. Therefore, MPOs must devise their own methods for ensuring that EJ issues are investigated and evaluated in transportation decision-making. In 2001, DVRPC developed an EJ technical assessment to identify direct and disparate impacts of its plans, programs, and planning process on defined population groups in the Delaware Valley region. This assessment, called the Indicators of Potential Disadvantage Methodology, is utilized in a variety of DVRPC plans and programs. DVRPC currently assesses the following population groups, defined by the U.S. Census Bureau: Youth Older Adults Female Racial Minority Ethnic Minority Foreign-Born Disabled Limited English Proficiency Low-Income Census tables used to gather data from the 2014 -2018 American Community Survey 5-Year Estimates Using U.S. Census American Community Survey data, the population groups listed above are identified and located at the census tract level. Data is gathered at the regional level, combining populations from each of the nine counties, for either individuals or households, depending on the indicator. From there, the total number of persons in each demographic group is divided by the appropriate universe (either population or households) for the nine-county region, providing a regional average for that population group. Any census tract that meets or exceeds the regional average level, or threshold, is considered an EJ-sensitive tract for that group. Census tables used to gather data from the 2014 - 2018 American Community Survey 5-Year Estimates. For more information and for methodology, visit DVRPC's website: Source of tract boundaries: US Census Bureau. The TIGER/Line Files Note: Tracts with null values should be symbolized as "No Data". Field Alias Description GEOID10 GEOID10 Census tract identifier (text) STATEFP10 State FIPS FIPS Code for State COUNTYFP10 County FIPS FIPS Code for County NAME10 Tract Number Tract Number geoidNum GEOID10 Numeric Census tract identifier (numeric) Y_CntEst Youth Count Estimate Estimated count of youth population (under 18 years) Y_CntMOE Youth Count MOE Margin of error for estimated count of youth population Y_PctEst Youth Percentage Estimate Estimated percentage of youth population (under 18 years) Y_PctMOE Youth Percentage MOE Margin of error for percentage of youth population Y_Pctile Youth Percentile Tract's regional percentile for percentage youth Y_Class Youth Classification Classification of tract's youth percentage as: well below average, below average, average, above average, or well above average Y_Score Youth Score Corresponding numeric score for tract's youth classification: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 OA_CntEst Older Adult Count Estimate Estimated count of older adult population (65 years or older) OA_CntMOE Older Adult Count MOE Margin of error for estimated count of older adult population OA_PctEst Older Adult Percentage Estimate Estimated percentage of older adult population (65 years or older) OA_PctMOE Older Adult Percentage MOE Margin of error for percentage of older adult population OA_Pctile Older Adult Percentile Tract's regional percentile for percentage older adult OA_Class Older Adult Classification Classification of tract's older adult percentage as: well below average, below average, average, above average, or well above average OA_Score Older Adult Score Corresponding numeric score for tract's older adult classification: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 F_CntEst Female Count Estimate Estimated count of female population F_CntMOE Female Count MOE Margin of error for estimated count of female population F_PctEst Female Percentage Estimate Estimated percentage of female population F_PctMOE Female Percentage MOE Margin of error for percentage of female population F_Pctile Female Percentile Tract's regional percentile for percentage female F_Class Female Classification Classification of tract's female percentage as: well below average, below average, average, above average, or well above average F_Score Female Score Corresponding numeric score for tract's female classification: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 RM_CntEst Racial Minority Count Estimate Estimated count of non-white population RM_CntMOE Racial Minority Count MOE Margin of error for estimated count of non-white population RM_PctEst Racial Minority Percentage Estimate Estimated percentage of non-white population RM_PctMOE Racial Minority Percentage MOE Margin of error for percentage of non-white population RM_Pctile Racial Minority Percentile Tract's regional percentile for percentage non-white RM_Class Racial Minority Classification Classification of tract's non-white percentage as: well below average, below average, average, above average, or well above average RM_Score Racial Minority Score Corresponding numeric score for tract's non-white classification: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 EM_CntEst Ethnic Minority Count Estimate Estimated count of Hispanic/Latino population EM_CntMOE Ethnic Minority Count MOE Margin of error for estimated count of Hispanic/Latino population EM_PctEst Ethnic Minority Percentage Estimate Estimated percentage of Hispanic/Latino population EM_PctMOE Ethnic Minority Percentage MOE Margin of error for percentage of Hispanic/Latino population EM_Pctile Ethnic Minority Percentile Tract's regional percentile for percentage Hispanic/Latino EM_Class Ethnic Minority Classification Classification of tract's Hispanic/Latino percentage as: well below average, below average, average, above average, or well above average EM_Score Ethnic Minority Score Corresponding numeric score for tract's Hispanic/Latino classification: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 FB_CntEst Foreign Born Count Estimate Estimated count of foreign born population FB_CntMOE Foreign Born Count MOE Margin of error for estimated count of foreign born population FB_PctEst Foreign Born Percentage Estimate Estimated percentage of foreign born population FB_PctMOE Foreign Born Percentage MOE Margin of error for percentage of foreign born population FB_Pctile Foreign Born Percentile Tract's regional percentile for percentage foreign born FB_Class Foreign Born Classification Classification of tract's foreign born percentage as: well below average, below average, average, above average, or well above average FB_Score Foreign Born Score Corresponding numeric score for tract's foreign born classification: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 LEP_CntEst Limited English Proficiency Count Estimate Estimated count of limited english proficiency population LEP_CntMoe Limited English Proficiency Count MOE Margin of error for estimated count of limited english proficiency population LEP_PctEst Limited English Proficiency Percentage Estimate Estimated percentage of limited english proficiency population LEP_PctMOE Limited English Proficiency Percentage MOE Margin of error for percentage of limited english proficiency population LEP_Pctile Limited English Proficiency Percentile Tract's regional percentile for percentage limited english proficiency LEP_Class Limited English Proficiency Classification Classification of tract's limited english proficiency percentage as: well below average, below average, average, above average, or well above average LEP_Score Limited English Proficiency Score Corresponding numeric score for tract's limited english proficiency classification: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 D_CntEst Disabled Count Estimate Estimated count of disabled population D_CntMOE Disabled Count MOE Margin of error for estimated count of disabled population D_PctEst Disabled Percentage Estimate Estimated percentage of disabled population D_PctMOE Disabled Percentage MOE Margin of error for percentage of disabled population D_Pctile Disabled Percentile Tract's regional percentile for percentage disabled D_Class Disabled Classification Classification of tract's disabled percentage as: well below average, below average, average, above average, or well above average D_Score Disabled Score Corresponding numeric score for tract's disabled classification: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 LI_CntEst Low Income Count Estimate Estimated count of low income (below 200% of poverty level) population LI_CntMOE Low Income Count MOE Margin of error for estimated count of low income population LI_PctEst Low Income Percentage Estimate Estimated percentage of low income (below 200% of poverty level) population LI_PctMOE Low Income Percentage MOE Margin of error for percentage of low income population LI_Pctile Low Income Percentile Tract's regional percentile for percentage low income LI_Class Low Income Classification Classification of tract's low income percentage as: well below average, below average, average, above average, or well above average LI_Score Low Income Score Corresponding numeric score for tract's low income classification: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 U_TPopEst Total Population Estimate Estimated total population of tract (universe [or denominator] for youth, older adult, female, racial minoriry, ethnic minority, & foreign born) U_TPopMOE Total Population MOE Margin of error for estimated total population of tract U_Pop6+Est Population 6+ Estimate Estimated population over five years of age (universe [or denominator] for limited english proficiency) U_Pop6+MOE Population 6+ MOE Margin of error for estimated population over five years of age U_PPovEst Poverty Status Pop Estimate Estimated population for whom poverty status is determined (universe [or denominator] for low income) U_PPovMOE Poverty Status Pop MOE Margin of error for estimated population for whom poverty status is determined U_PNICEst Non-Institutional Civilian Pop Estimate Estimated noninsitutional civilian population (universe [or denominator] for disabled) U_PNICMOE Non-Institutional Civilian Pop MOE Margin of error for estimated noninstitutional civilian population IPD_Score Composite Score Overall score adding the classification scores across all nine variables IPD_Range Composite Score Range Range of composite scores that make up the composite classification as: well below average, below average, average, above average, or well above average (for map symbolization purposes only) IPD_Class Composite Classification Classification of composite scores as: well below average, below average, average, above average, or well above average (for map symbolization purposes only)

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Copyright Text: DVRPC

Spatial Reference: 26918  (26918)

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